
Plan For Long Term Care

Planning to use your long term care benefits involves important financial, family and lifestyle considerations. We can answer long term care insurance questions and point you to other resources you may need along the way.

Affordable care options

What are some affordable care options?

  • In-home care, called Home Health Care, can be less expensive than skilled nursing facilities, but there are factors to consider. When seeking in-home care for a loved one, families can go through a licensed home care agency (like Home Instead or Brightstar) or hire an independent caregiver directly. Cost is a significant factor, with independent caregivers often being more budget-friendly since agencies handle employer responsibilities. Availability also differs, as agencies offer round-the-clock coverage, while independents may have limitations. Here’s a resource about Hiring In-Home Caregivers (Opens in new window).
  • Hiring a known caregiver can be tempting, but contact us to verify coverage requirements. Your long term care policy only covers care by relatives that is Respite Care. And caregivers must be a licensed, qualified service provider, whether independent or from an agency in order to receive reimbursement.
Uncovered expenses

What about uncovered expenses?

  • Your long term care plan is meant to help with essential care costs, but may not cover all costs related to care and daily living, and you’ll need to plan for those expenses. 
  • For instance, your long term care plan does not cover move-in expenses or community fees, entertainment and refreshments, personal care, grooming and hygiene or convenience items that are not essential to performing Activities of Daily Living. 
  • Long term care insurance also does not cover expenses normally covered by health insurance, such as prescription or over-the-counter medications or supplies like oxygen or needles, or mechanical assistance devices like walkers or wheelchairs.
  • Knowing what long term care does and does not cover is an important part of planning for the financial implications of using your benefits.

Where can I get help planning for long term care?

This may be new territory for you, and we’re here to help.


Financial Planning

We’re glad to answer your insurance questions and provide information you need to explore options and plan for financial considerations related to long term care.


Referrals to Experts

We’re also a helpful resource to connect you with experts who can help provide professional guidance.


Contact Us

Have a question about long term care? Call us at 800-279-4000.

Money management considerations of reimbursement

Icon List Group
Home Care
Grace Period
Plan for Reimbursements to Take 30 Days

WEA Trust processes claims quickly. On average, we reimburse claims in less than 14 calendar days. However, your policy requires that we pay benefits within 30 days after we receive a claim. It’s best to plan for a 30-days turn-around, in the event of there are unforeseen delays.


Your Right to Terminate
Paying for Expenses Comes Before Reimbursement

Another thing to note is that we pay benefits only after you receive covered services and provide us with proof that you have incurred a covered loss; we never pay benefits in advance of you receiving a service. You will likely pay providers or facilities up front, and then wait for the normal process to receive reimbursement. The timing of when expenses are paid, when care is received, and when you receive reimbursement takes coordination and careful financial planning.


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